Find trading ideas and educate yourself

Find good trading Ideas

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This is article six of the Getting Started Trading series. I have hopefully introduced you enough in the subject of trading and investing, that you can start to make some choices on how you would like to go about trading based on what fits you, your personality, and your lifestyle.

I could jump in right now and start explaining how I trade, but instead, I will first give you some pointers as to where I got my trading ideas and how I educate myself. I hope it will inspire you to find your way and hopefully, my future articles/lessons will help you educate yourself and give you plenty of ideas.

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Trading with Support and Resistance

Bulls and Bears

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Support and resistance trading is one of the basic building blocks of trading. Not only is it a basic building block of my trading, but also of most trading done by professional traders. So even if your trading system does not incorporate support and resistance it is still good to understand it and take notice of the most important price levels. Just because many traders are watching these levels, prices usually will react when they get there. Support and resistance are all about “Bulls and Bears”, aka “Buyers and Sellers” and how price itself affects their behaviors/decisions.

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