By asking what people want to learn from me, it became clear to me that I should continue the Getting Started Trading series by showing how I trade myself and how I produced my trading results. I am talking about trading here, not investing.
Continue reading “How I trade: trading concepts to profit from the markets”Find trading ideas and educate yourself
This is article six of the Getting Started Trading series. I have hopefully introduced you enough in the subject of trading and investing, that you can start to make some choices on how you would like to go about trading based on what fits you, your personality, and your lifestyle.
I could jump in right now and start explaining how I trade, but instead, I will first give you some pointers as to where I got my trading ideas and how I educate myself. I hope it will inspire you to find your way and hopefully, my future articles/lessons will help you educate yourself and give you plenty of ideas.
Continue reading “Find trading ideas and educate yourself”Tools of the trade
In this article, I will tell you about the possible tools you have at your disposal for trading. Whether you are building a fence or building a trading strategy, you need tools to get the work done. In the previous articles, we already looked at the question of why, how, what, and where to trade. Now it is time to get some tools and set up an infrastructure for trading. We need three types of tools.
Continue reading “Tools of the trade”